Our Team

Davide Tomassoni

Founder & Managing Partner 

Davide Tomassoni holds over 23 years as a serial entrepreneur who has launched and exited several successful businesses in the USA and Latin America respectively. During his career, Mr. Tomassoni’s leadership helmed 3 successful Nasdaq listings within his portfolio companies. More recently, his focus has been on his family office based in Luxemburg, which currently holds equity positions in 12 companies. Sector agnostic, the fund works with companies from a variety of industries to facilitate maturity within their corporate growth strategies positioning them for a future IPO event. Mr. Tomassoni, continues to value education and continued learning whereby he recently graduated from Harvard University Executive OPM program. To augment both his professional and academic endeavors, Mr. Tomassoni speaks four languages fluently (English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) allowing him to develop numerous solid relationships with key financial and business leaders in the USA, LATAM and EU. In addition to his business achievements, Davide is deeply committed to philanthropy. He is driven by a desire to give back, focusing his efforts on Mind of the Future (Mentes del Futuro), a foundation dedicated to providing educational opportunities and empowering young minds. Davide is a proud husband and father of four, balancing his professional success with a fulfilling family life.

Todd Heinzl

Founder & President  Mr. Heinzl holds over 35 years of experience in the investment, merchant banking, and financial services industry. In recent years, Mr. Heinzl, as a consulting professional, has integrated governance, a foundational and mandatory component, to the management of the process of listing companies on senior stock exchanges, globally, notably NASDAQ Capital Markets. Sector agnostic Mr. Heinzl works with companies from a variety of industries to facilitate maturity within their stock listings in an orderly, precise, and compliant process. Executive education includes Wharton School of Business -  Executive Management Diploma. In 2022, Mr. Heinzl received his OMS designation, a dynastic Order of merit named Order of Merit of Savoy, for philanthropic endeavors.

Enrico Caporin

Managing Partner, European Union  Enrico holds over 20 years of activity in the financial sector. After his economic education, Enrico worked as a financial consultant at Altinia SIM, part of Generali group. When this division became Generali Bank, Enrico covered various management roles within it until 2006. He’s a co-founder of Archeide scf srl, one of the first Italian independent financial advisory firms, and of Archeide Lux, a Luxembourg fund management company until 2020. In 2023 he joined Run Capital Partners group as shareholders based in London(UK).

Luca Padovan

Managing Partner European Union  Luca’s professional life is defined by experiences related to the financial, economic and credit sectors. In 2018 he co-founded his own family office Wealth Route after obtaining the AIFO certification. In the same year he co-founded Run Capital Partners, based in the Netherlands, dedicated to the promotion and management of “ANN I Strategy” - a trading fund focused on oil derivatives. He then created an authorized branch by MFSA in Malta for investment portfolio management and he signed a partnership with MDOTM, one of the top AI companies in the world. In 2021 Luca opened Run AM Sarl in Luxembourg, a company registered in AIFM by CSF dedicated to alternative investment funds and other investment vehicles. Luca is also a trader often hosted at InvestTV.

Boris Caharija Pizzolitto

Manager - Business Analyst  Boris is an experienced Business Analyst with over 20 years of field activity in strong relations with SMEs all around Italy and Europe. Italian and Slovenian native speaker, English and Chinese speaking. Course of study in Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods at New York Institute of Finance, Course of study in Finance at Imperial College Business School, Master in marketing at Bocconi University, Course of study at Beijing Language and Culture University, Bachelor degree in Chinese at Ca' Foscari University. Publications on the Italian financial newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore”.
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